Happiness. What is it? Many search happiness for their whole lives without finding it. Some find happiness in other person, some from material. For some traveling and helping others bring happiness. But why do people search for happiness?
When found happiness, one comes loose from past. There becomes a novel life, where every moment is a feast. Every second makes your breath block and everything is worth remembering. One doesn't find happiness by searching, but by experiencing. Happiness comes when you least expect it. For me happiness hit last summer while looking at the red and purple horizon at the seashore with people, I have had known just seven days. With people, who spoke different language and had become to my life that same summer. I cried tears of happiness. I believe everything has its reasons, and this time it was to find happiness. A place where I feel good, and where I can return when wanting.

I have been lost for a long time. Almost my whole life. Traveling has brought me joy, new experiences and lovely people. Still something has missed. Of all the countries I have been in, in none I have felt this way. The feel when every piece clicks on their places, and one is calm on the inside. No anxiety nor blue mood, just joy and peace. My local friend said to me that night 'You know the feeling coming home from a long journey? I think that happened you today. You're home'. I couldn't have said it more aptly. I was home for the first time. Of course I had my family's home, but Italy became my home. For now and always.

26th of August I moved to Paris for unknown time, but I know for sure that I'll return there. Italy sweep me off my feet. There are no words to describe the feeling, and one can not completely understand before experiencing same. I want to say that I was euphoric. I was home. Grazie Italy.
When found happiness, one comes loose from past. There becomes a novel life, where every moment is a feast. Every second makes your breath block and everything is worth remembering. One doesn't find happiness by searching, but by experiencing. Happiness comes when you least expect it. For me happiness hit last summer while looking at the red and purple horizon at the seashore with people, I have had known just seven days. With people, who spoke different language and had become to my life that same summer. I cried tears of happiness. I believe everything has its reasons, and this time it was to find happiness. A place where I feel good, and where I can return when wanting.
I have been lost for a long time. Almost my whole life. Traveling has brought me joy, new experiences and lovely people. Still something has missed. Of all the countries I have been in, in none I have felt this way. The feel when every piece clicks on their places, and one is calm on the inside. No anxiety nor blue mood, just joy and peace. My local friend said to me that night 'You know the feeling coming home from a long journey? I think that happened you today. You're home'. I couldn't have said it more aptly. I was home for the first time. Of course I had my family's home, but Italy became my home. For now and always.
26th of August I moved to Paris for unknown time, but I know for sure that I'll return there. Italy sweep me off my feet. There are no words to describe the feeling, and one can not completely understand before experiencing same. I want to say that I was euphoric. I was home. Grazie Italy.
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