This is pure madness. We are a family. We must be together, not against each other.
Family. Everyone's security, a pillar. Helps during the diffucultied and shares the joy during the happiness. Every member of the family is as important as the other.
Family. Everyone's security, a pillar. Helps during the diffucultied and shares the joy during the happiness. Every member of the family is as important as the other.
Extended family. Wider support net, riches the family with cousins, uncles and grandparents. More laughs and hugs, big parties on holidays. A bigger family.
Society. The ones sharing the country you live in, speaking same language, empowering the traditions, based on hundreds years ago. Creating a culture between your sisters and brothers.
Society. The ones sharing the country you live in, speaking same language, empowering the traditions, based on hundreds years ago. Creating a culture between your sisters and brothers.
Humankind. The whole human race. All 7,4 billion of us. Together in this planet. Living as one with the Mother Nature, and other races. Experiencing the journey as a soul in a human's body. With other souls.
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Place de la République |
Appreciation. Appreciating every member of the mankind-family equally, without hurting eachothers. Thinking the what's best for all instead of oneself. Defending in case of injustice.
Understanding. One understands that in a bigger family, there are persons, who's behavior might differ. Understanding that different cultures and religions live and think slightly different.
Understanding. One understands that in a bigger family, there are persons, who's behavior might differ. Understanding that different cultures and religions live and think slightly different.

I saw them. Outrageous photos of the people with blood everywhere and several bomb explodes. My heart paused for a second. I felt fear. Yes, fear. Made me remember of the attacks in Paris last November. When I was there. This makes me wonder if one can truly be safe anymore.
There are about 100 000 flights everyday. Millions of people using them. And tragedies happens. One can never know when life ends, but it is unfair when it's taken from you. Unfinished lives, families and loved ones left behind. One can only hope for kindness of others, but one can begin the change by changing himself.
My condolences to the victims and their families in Brussels, and to everywhere in the world, where inhumanity happens.
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